Yorkie Life: One Owner’s Journey of Fun and Laughter with Their Beloved Pet


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Almost all Yorkshire Terrier dog owners will say that the Yorkie is a little dog with a big personality. We interviewed Iris about her cute 15-year-old Yorkie, Ziggy, to give us the scoop about this entertaining breed:

Ziggy the Yorkie

How did Ziggy come to join your family?

Ziggy driving the car

Art (her husband) and I knew we wanted a dog, but weren’t sure which type to get. So we went to the Westminster Dog Show to see all the various breeds and picked a few to go back home and research.

We were primarily looking for a small dog that was easy to travel with. On a trip in the South of France, we were sitting in an outdoor cafe, saw a Yorkie, and loved his good demeanor, look, and size.

So when we got back to Manhattan, we started looking around for one, but didn’t find the right dog. Then on a trip to Colorado, we made some appointments with some breeders out there.

Ziggy takin' the Harley out with Daddy

Art’s mom said to “go for the one that comes to you”, but at the first breeder’s home, all the dogs came running to them.

Ziggy, the runt of the liter, somehow caught their attention with his playful, calm personality and when they went to go to the next breeder, Ziggy came down the stairs after them.

Ziggy surfing with Mom

The next breeder had their dogs in horrible, dirty conditions and the last breeder’s dogs were a bit too young. So they went back and picked up Ziggy – he was “the one”.

What about this Yorkie captured you?

Ziggy was such a curious little guy that zig-zagged from place to place sniffing and marking his spot. And that’s how they came up with his name.

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They bought a travel bag for him, which he still uses to this day. They were also very fortunate because at 8 weeks old, he was already trained to do his “business” outside.

Ziggy became a world traveling dog from trains and planes to weddings and events.

Ziggy Yorkie

What are some of Ziggy’s favorite things to do?

He’s fifteen now and has slowed down, but in his prime he loved to play fetch and frisbee. He has a hard time seeing now, so we got a glow in the dark ball that’s easier for him to see. Ziggy also has a stuffed toy dog which they call his “girlfriend”.

Any tips for potential Yorkie owners?

Yorkies are not all yappers. We trained Ziggy to only bark when he needs something, like water. He’s very smart and protective. We found Ziggy to be easily trainable and took him to some group classes when he was a puppy.

Today, you can find this cute 15 year old Yorkie strutting around with a gait that let’s you know he’s in charge.

audrey hepburn's yorkie

The Yorkshire Terrier with its sprightly, affectionate personality is also a favorite of celebrities.

The Yorkie became a fashionable pet in the late Victorian era and was recognized by the AKC in 1885.

Natalie Portman & Whiz

In the 1950s, Audrie Hepburn made this little en vogue with her dog Mr. Famous.

Naomi & Bob

Today, Naomi Watts, Natalie Portman and Serena Williams all have Yorkies, just to name a few.

Products for Yorkies:

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