Tips To Keep Small Dog Breeds Warm When It’s Cold


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Tips To Keep Even The Smallest Dog Warm - Dog sizes - Best Dog Boots Small dog breeds	small dogs ; small to medium dog breeds ; small to medium sized dogs ; small to medium size dogs

Sometimes dogs’ fur isn’t enough to protect them during the winter. Short-haired, very young and small dogs are especially vulnerable in the cold. Dog trainer Steffi Trott noted that small dog breeds are more prone to the dangers of extreme temperatures compared to large dog sizes. There are several ways to keep small to medium sized dogs warm when it’s cold. But let’s find out the telltale signs that your dog is cold.

Tips To Keep Even The Smallest Dog Warm – Dog sizes – Best Dog Boots

Signs that your dog is cold

  1. Shivering or shaking
  2. Staying in a corner or under a table
  3. Panting
  4. Lifting a paw
  5. Whimpering or barking more than usual

Hypothermia can occur quickly in a cold small dog. So, if your dog exhibits one of these signs, it may be too cold for him and you have to make sure to keep him warm immediately. Start by bringing him indoors and wrapping him in a blanket or sweater.

small dog breeds wearing coat outdoor

Tips To Keep Even The Smallest Dog Warm – Dog sizes – Best Dog Boots

Tips To Keep Even The Smallest Dog Warm When It’s Cold

TIP #1: Use dog boots. Dog boots not only keep your furry friend safe from the harsh winter road salt but also protect him from freezing surfaces like ice during winter walks. You can find the best dog boots for small to medium sized dogs in stores or online easily. Make sure to look at the measurements first before ordering them.

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The Best Dog Boots for Small Dog Breeds

2. Small to medium size dog breeds often need an extra layer of protection when it’s cold outside- this means adding another blanket or towel to your dog’s bed. Small treats and a warm-up spot for resting by the fire make a big difference in restoring warmth.

3. Another tip shared by Steffi is that the smallest dogs will benefit from a heating pad too if they’re not okay with a blanket on their dog beds. They give off great warmth and can be used whenever needed. Avoid electric blankets, microwavable heat pillows are better.

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4. Another way to keep small breed dogs warm during winter is by utilizing doggy sweaters, vests or even baby blankets that provide enough heat without adding any extra weight. Dogs don’t always have an undercoat like humans so it makes sense that they aren’t able to regulate temperature as well as we are – this is where dog clothes come in handy.

5. If you think your smallest dog needs more warmth than just the clothes, you can use a portable heater or space heaters to stay warm. A ceramic one is best but they are pricey so electric heaters are an alternative. The smallest dogs need it the most!

6. During cold spells, always make sure to take small breed dogs outside on a leash – never let them out alone because their natural instinct is hiding from danger and if there’s a scary noise or wind outside they may run off without warning. Keep them close by

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7. Do not shave your dog in the winter, it is so dangerous for their smallest dog breeds to be cold. When they are shaved during the winter, they lose part of their protective coat that helps keep them warm.

8. If possible, cut walks or outdoor activities and dog exercises short. Consider these indoor activities to keep your pup active entertained.

Are Heated Dog Beds Safe for Small Dog Breeds?

You probably have a heated blanket at home to use when you’re chilly. However, because of the variances in our body temperatures, you should never utilize the same blanket on your dog. Heated dog beds maintain a safe temperature and operate on low voltage, making them friendly for dogs.


On cold days, heated dog beds provide your small to medium size dogs with a pleasant place to unwind and keep warm. Even if you live in a more temperate region, some dogs have difficulties regulating their own body temperature, and a bed that helps them do so might be beneficial.

Indoor Activities Perfect for Small Dog Breeds

  1. Hide-and-seek. Hide some doggie treats in easy to find places. Once he smells what you’ve hidden, your dog will work off some energy trying to find and consume the goodies. You can also play this with your pup’s favorite toy.
  2. Tug-of-war. A tug toy is another great way to keep your dog active and happy during the cold times.
  3. Mini-Fetch. If you have a nice, open space in your home, consider making it a play fetch area for your small pup.
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Contributor | Steffi Trott

Steffi is an energizer bunny who loves everything related to animals, the outdoors and – of course – training!

More about the author

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