Anesthesia Free Dog Teeth Cleaning


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Good dental hygiene is just as important for dogs as it is for humans. In fact good dental hygiene can help your dog live longer because tooth decay not only creates dental problems, but it can also cause infections throughout your dog’s body.

Anesthesia Free Dog Teeth Cleaning

Dental disease can be put into three categories: tartar, gingivitis and bone loss. Tartar is the accumulation of plaque on the teeth, usually starting at the gum line.

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. You can easily see this by the increase in the pinkness of your dog’s gums, especially at the gum line. Tartar and gingivitis are frequently found together, but not in the early stages where there is just tartar.

Bone loss is the most serious of the three conditions. In these cases there is bacterial infection usually between teeth and gums. This infection can spread to other organs including the heart, liver or kidney.

Anesthesia Free Dog Teeth Cleaning

All of these stages require treatment, whether it be antibiotics, scaling/cleaning of the teeth or a full dental cleaning procedure done under general anesthesia. Since genetics plays the biggest role in the development of dental disease the only things we can do to decrease the incidence is to brush the teeth on a regular basis and see a vet regularly to determine if medical intervention is needed.

Luckily, there is an option for anesthesia free dog teeth cleaning. It’s a safe, humane, and cost-effective way to clean your dog’s teeth.

It offers benefits in both preventative and supplemental oral health care, and also provides a much-needed option for pets who cannot safely be anesthetized. Anesthesia free dog teeth cleaning costs about $300 in comparison to dog dental cleaning done under general anesthesia which costs on average $700-$1500.

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Pre-screening for Anesthesia Free Dog Teeth Cleaning

tooth exam

A thorough oral exam is done prior to each cleaning to assess for any medical conditions and to determine if this type of cleaning is appropriate for your dog. The exam will also determine if your dog has the right temperment for the procedure.

According to Dr.Quagliata, DVM, CVA, most good candidates are typically dogs that are younger up to middle age and do not have severe gingivitis or other major issues, such as broken teeth.

For dogs with light calculus build-up and healthy gums, anesthesia free dog teeth cleaning is a great way to keep the teeth clean and help maintain good oral health without the costs and risks associated with anesthesia.

For animals with an existing dental health condition, such as advanced gum disease, non-anesthetic cleaning can supplement routine dental procedures done under anesthesia, which can help slow the progression of disease.

What Happens During Anesthesia Free Dog Teeth Cleaning?


After the pre-screening approval, your dog will see the dental hygienist and vet. First they make sure your dog is relaxed and comfortable. Often your dog will be on a soft bed with blankets, not a cold exam table. They’ll make sure the dog gets a chance to sniff the tools and other things of interest.

The anesthesia free dog teeth cleaning procedure involves manual scaling (both above and below gum line) of facial and lingual surfaces of the teeth, as well as manual polishing. The procedure takes about 30 minutes.

If you live in the NYC area and are interested in anesthesia free dog teeth cleaning, please reach out to Dr.Quagliata, DVM, CVA at or to schedule an appointment or consultation.

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