Do you enjoy taking your dog out for walks for exercise or to go potty, but every now and then, you and your dogs seem stuck inside because it’s pouring out?

In most cases, if it’s just a short spout of rain, you can quickly let them out in the backyard. But if it’s raining cats and dogs (excuse the pun), then you’re both going to have to stay inside.
This can sometimes be very aggravating, most especially for your pooch, who, in all fairness, was probably excited to step outside for a nice exploratory doggie walk. But what if we said that you can get them a dog umbrella, and you can both be on your merry way?
And yes. Somebody actually invented an umbrella for dogs, which in my opinion, is one hell of a way of taking the initiative! Much like an umbrella for humans, this rather ingenious accessory is designed to keep your pooch covered from sun, snow or rain.
The only difference being that dog umbrellas look inverted. The canopy is usually at the bottom and faces outward to cover your pooch. Simultaneously, the handle is set atop the umbrella and attached to a leash tied around your dog.
They are actually quite adorable and funny little contraptions, but they are also undeniably practical when put to good use.

What Are The Health Risks Of Walking Your Dog In The Rain?
Dogs may not be allergic to water, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t risks that come with taking your canine companion out for a walk in the wet.
This is because the excess damp weather and cold wind raise the risk of your pooch catching hypothermia or even pneumonia. This is especially common if they are still young pups or happen to be senior dogs.
Also, your pet could walk over puddles that may contain various chemicals, bacteria or parasites. This poses a significant health risk if they end up licking their paws.
For this reason, if you decide to go out in the rain, you need to ensure that your furbaby uses an umbrella that will help mitigate the risk of an illness.
Cool Dog Umbrellas
All products are linked for easy purchase.
Benefits of Using Dog Umbrellas
Many pet parents would doubt whether they even need to buy their dogs umbrellas. But there are many distinct benefits that dog umbrellas bring to the table. This brings me to my next point —
Keeps your pets dry
This one is pretty obvious, but as we said, you do not want to let your dog stay in the rain too long, as they can end up catching a cold. If you need to take your dog outside, a dog umbrella will be handy to keep them dry and protected.
Provides excellent shade
Most dog umbrellas are designed with transparent canopies that allow you to see your pet while walking. But you can also get some umbrellas in solid colors that are perfect for shielding your pet from excess sunlight, especially during those hot and humid summers. This reduces the risk of them facing dehydration or heatstroke.
No more wet dog smell
You know that the dampness tends to leave a rather unpleasant odor to your dogs. And it’s not a stretch to say that many of us would rather not experience it again if we can avoid it. Well, you can. Using a dog umbrella can help avoid wet dog smells.