It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon, and Tompkins Square Park was packed to the gills. The Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade never disappoints and, yet again, indeed, raised the bar on doggie Halloween outfits.
Kobi, dressed as Indiana Jones (sans hat as he hates hats) and masculine, was ready to check out the scene. Check out our photos in the gallery below:
After taking the subway and walking over to the park, we could see the crowds – dogs and owners in costumes were lined up around the fence to the area where the judging was taking place.
Kobi was having a ball meeting and sniffing all the other dogs but was a bit concerned about having to dodge all the humans around.
We saw loads of costumes outside the arena and then went into the inner part of the park where the judging was.
This is just an amazing sight of dogs and owners that have obviously spent a lot of time and thought into these costumes. Not to mention, it’s absolutely hilarious!
Once you’re in the inner park, contestants for the Dog Halloween Costume Contest line up at least twice around the stage. We were there to check out the scene, not to win an award. Seeing all these costumes was award enough for us.
There was loads of press, so we’ve included the photos from other media outlets, which we think came out really well.
As you can imagine, it’s hard to take great photos when there’s a huge crowd of people and dogs in a small space.